Homework is an integral part of the school experience by providing vital reinforcement of school time instruction and aiding the student in learning to be disciplined. It is also a tool used to allow parents to observe and help their child in developing the study habits needed for higher education. Homework will be assigned as deemed necessary by the teacher.

Make-Up Work:
Students absent due to illness or valid reasons will be allowed to make up all schoolwork.
Generally, students will be allowed two days for each absence for the completion of make-up work. When a student will be out of school for an extended period (a planned absence of 4 days or longer), it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the teacher(s) in writing and obtain all work assignments for the period of the absence. Students who have excessive absences (8 or more per quarter) may be dismissed and/or not advanced to the next grade. Students with unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up work, tests and exams missed during the truancy.
Academic Probation:
Academic Probation is invoked when a student has a serious academic problem. It is intended to give notice to the parent and the student so that a mutual effort on the part of both the school and home may be made to correct the academic deficiency. Hopefully, the deficiency will be improved to satisfactory level. If not, the administration will decide if the student will be able to continue at CCA.
Academic probation will be invoked in the following manner:
- A student who receives an F or an overall grade point average of less that 2.0 at the conclusion of a grading period will be placed on academic probation for one grading period. The student will not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities during this grading period.
- A letter of notification will be sent to the parents.
- A conference will be held with the parents, the student, the teacher(s), and the administration to give an explanation of the probation and suggestions for remediation.
- The academic status of the student will be reviewed by the administration at the end of the next grading period.
- After being placed on probation, a student who receives no Fs and whose grade point average is 2.0 or higher at the next grading period will be removed from probation. Extracurricular activities may be resumed.
- After being placed on probation, if a student receives an F or does not raise his/her grade point average to a 2.0 or higher at the next grading period, the administration will decide if the student will be allowed to remain in the school.